#TuesdayTip, New Year style! Not into resolutions? Try setting intentions instead! With intentions, you get to define how general or specific you’d like them to be. Setting intentions can also feel kinder to yourself. No feelings of failure or abandonment. Examples of intentions can be: 🚶🏽‍♂️"I would like to incorporate more movement into my week." You don't have to set specific days or exercises. Perhaps you take a walk on a break from the NICU! 💧"I would like to drink more water." Did you know that hydration helps with cognitive functioning? Buy a bottle that gives you a sense of how much you are drinking. 😴 "I would like to rest more to feel alert during the day." Perhaps another family member can visit your baby on a different day, giving you a moment to yourself. If you’re already home, ask for help! Have a friend or family member come over to give you a break. What intentions can you set for the new year? Or just for January?

Posted by Hand to Hold at 2023-01-03 17:06:11 UTC